When the universe aligns…


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When the Universe Aligns….

Years ago a friend of mine had to have a bone marrow transplant. When I asked Al how they got the new cells into his bones he told me a story that blew me away. Through what sounded like a simple blood transplant those divinely designed cells swam their way and each got started doing their own unique job. Al got many more years of his earthly life because doctors and scientists had found a way to cure the kind of cancer Al had.

I learned within a day at Mercy Hospital of the kind of cancer I have. It’s Pancreatic and Duodenal that has already spread to my liver and lymph nodes. Stage 4.

My body was showing symptoms that my liver wasn’t draining properly, and I’d had issues with trying to eat for nearly a month, food wasn’t making its way through my stomach, the opening was closing not allowing for the food to pass through.

Within a few days the many specialists at Mercy Hospital surgically reopened the ducts helping my organs to function more normally again. They placed metal stents / tubes in the closed ducts. These procedures bought me more time. I’d likely not be writing this had they not acted quickly.

The tumor mass that closed off those valves/ ducts in my body had grown around that whole area. The next step is to use chemo drugs to shrink it, buying me a window of time to get my affairs in order and love on my family and friends a little longer. Round 1 of chemo is underway.

My personal earthly walk is expected to be brief now, but it feels like an army of people are doing what they can to make it as pain free as possible.

I am grateful to so many for getting me well enough to come home. The advances in medicine and science are awe inspiring.

Thank you to all you prayer warriors, I can feel the presence of your goodness and love.

I almost forever ago came to believe the maker of our universe wanted me and everything else to thrive and experience beautiful lives here on earth. I’ve always been aware of the need to nurture our mind, body and spirit.

Treat people and our environment with respect and kindness ….. it will respond and spread.

“No man is an island.” This quote stuck in my head since the day I first read it. It’s relatively simple, yet profound.

I am grateful tonite for so much and to so many, and to the God I’ve come to know over the last 67 years. Thank you for the beautiful times when the universe aligned ….. and I could feel exactly what I needed at that moment.

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*We are not licensed psychologists, nor are we professionally trained or diagnosing mental illness. We hope to help others by sharing our story and experiences, listening to others who can relate, and keeping an open line of communication. Please see our "About Us" page for additional contact information. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to reach out.

** These stories are a work of fiction based on our real experiences. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.